龍野アートプロジェクト2013 刻の記憶 Arts and Memories


龍野アートプロジェクト2013「刻(とき)の記憶 Arts and Memories」

また、3周年記念プレイベントとして、たつの市出身の若手作曲家 薮田翔一を迎え、芸術ジャンルを横断した「現代音楽と現代美術の響演」を行います。


【開館時間】 10:00~16:00

  • 国登録有形文化財ヒガシマル醤油元本社工場(兵庫県たつの市龍野町大手54-1)
  • 国登録有形文化財うすくち龍野醤油資料館
  • 元兵庫県信用組合
  • うすくち龍野醤油資料館別館蔵
  • うすくち龍野醤油資料館別館横住宅
  • たつの市立龍野歴史文化資料館
  • 三木露風生家
  • 龍野城
  • 聚遠亭(浮見堂・御涼所)
  • たつの市立武家屋敷資料館
  • 旧フクミズ化粧品店
  • たつの市立龍野図書館
  • ガレリアアーツ&ティー2F[水曜休]*
  • アポロスタヂオ
  • 東丸かるちゃーるーむ
  • かどめふれあい館


ワークショップ ハサミで描こう「絵本ができちゃった-空想の動物たちが醤油工場にやってきた 」
 講師:佐藤文香 時間:10:00~11:30、13:30~15:00 会場:たつの市立図書館 参加料:200円 【午前】6才~小学2年生【午後】小学3年生~小学6年生(ハサミ持参)○事前申込制 先着各20名
ワークショップ 旗をつくろう「ペナントをまちじゅうにかざろう」 
講師:芝田知佳 時間:10:00~11:30、13:30~15:00 会場:裏蔵 小学3年生~大人(雑巾持参/汚れてもいい服装)○事前申込制 先着各20名 参加料:200円
フランス人作家 公開制作
 講師:出品作家+加須屋明子 【午前】10:00~11:30 (集合)ヒガシマル醤油元本社工場(総合受付)前 【午後】13:30~15:00 (集合)うすくち醤油資料館別館蔵 要パスポート
10:30~12:00 アーティストトーク1
 講師:山口敏郎×小谷真輔×角田広輔+加須屋明子 会場:東丸かるちゃーるーむ ○事前申込制 先着80名 ○要パスポート
13:30~15:00 アーティストトーク2
 講師:松井智惠×東影智裕+加須屋明子 会場:東丸かるちゃーるーむ ○事前申込制 先着80名 ○要パスポート
18:00~19:00 ナイトツアー
 (集合)ヒガシマル醤油元本社工場(総合受付)前 ○事前申込制 先着20名 〇要パスポート
13:30~15:00 建築と芸術とまちづくり 
講師:岸野裕児×加須屋明子×淺井良昭 会場:かどめふれあい館2F ○事前申込制 先着40名 ○要パスポート
13:30~15:00 アーティストトーク3
 尹煕倉×今村遼佑+加須屋明子 会場:たつの市立図書館2F研修室 ○事前申込制 先着60名 ○要パスポート
11:00~ 16:00~(各日2回・約30分)アートドキュメンタリー映像「MATSUTANI3」上映 協力:RaRa Project(藤原次郎+奥村恵美子)会場:アポロスタヂオ(龍野町富永1440-2) ○要パスポート

FAX:0791– 63–3555
WEB:サイト内 応募フォームにて、件名に[イベント参加申し込み]
締切:ワークショップ ※締め切りをすぎましたが受付中、その他11月10日(日)必着

さわひらき/SAWA Hiraki
松井智惠/MATSUI Chie
ミロスワフ・バウカ/Mirosław BAŁKA
松谷武判/MATSUTANI Takesada
山口敏郎/YAMAGUCHI Toshiro
今村遼祐/IMAMURA Ryosuke
尹 熙倉/YOON Heechang
東影智裕/HIGASHIKAGE Tomohiro
小谷真輔/KOTANI Shinsuke

桐月沙樹/KIRIZUKI Saki
西村知子/NISHIMURA Tomoko
角田広輔/KADOTA Hirosuke
佐藤文香/SATO Fumika
芝田知佳/SHIBATA Chika

井上いくみ/INOUE Ikumi
犬丸暁/INUMARU Akira
ジェレミー・アンドレ/Jérémy ANDRÉ
オフェリ・マック/Ophérie MAC

マーク=アントワーヌ・ガルニエ/Marc-Antoine GARNIER
ボニー・ポット/Bonnie POTH

薮田翔一/YABUTA Shoichi

  • ・イベントの記事がかける方
  • ・醤油蔵、洋館の清掃、改装スタッフ
  • ・会場設営スタッフ
  • ・会場監視スタッフ
  • ・運営管理スタッフ
  • ・ワークショップサポートスタッフ



2011年より、文化庁のご支援をいただき、「龍野アートプロジェクト 刻の記憶 Arts and Memories」が、この地、龍野で開催されることとなりました。







代表 淺井良昭

Tatsuno Art Project 2013

Tatsuno, an old castle town in Hyogo Prefecture, is home to many important historic buildings. These include soy-sauce warehouses dating back to the Edo Period (1603-1868) when the soy sauce industry flourished in the region; the Shisei-sha school established by town residents to propagate Sekimon-shingaku (a popularized Edo-era blend of Buddhist, Shinto, and Confucian ethical teachings); and the birthplace of lyricist Miki Rofu, who penned the beloved children's song "Akatombo" (Red Dragonfly).

Launched in 2011, the Tatsuno Art Project aims to help preserve these traditional buildings, use them for innovative purposes, and make more people aware of their charm, so as to revitalize the region and attract more visitors. This year, in addition to artists invited to participate in the past two years' events, we present the work of Sawa Hiraki, Matsui Chie, and Miroslaw Balka. The entire old castle town will be transformed into a museum of contemporary art.

For this third installment of the Tatsuno Art Project, we are pleased to present a concert by talented young composer Yabuta Shoichi, who was born in Tatsuno. Prior to the project's opening, Yabuta will perform alongside works of art in a multidisciplinary synthesis of contemporary visual art and music.
By presenting exciting contemporary art in the Tatsuno Art Project, we hope to preserve the town's venerable history, create opportunities for people from throughout the nation and the world to communicate with local residents, and make Tatsuno a more dynamic and popular place to visit.


Since 2011, Tatsuno Art Project: Arts and Memories has been held here in the city with the generous support of the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan.
Known in centuries past as the "little Kyoto" of Harima Province (today the southwestern part of Hyogo Prefecture), Tatsuno has long been recognized by scholars for its historical and cultural importance. However, to many including myself who were born and grew up here, the traditional townscape was something one took for granted - until, perhaps, returning after a lengthy absence and breathing a sigh of relief at the atmosphere of the old castle town.

Today the nostalgic charm of Tatsuno is something that appeals to many visitors, and I have come to believe that preserving the town for posterity and sharing it as an archetype of the traditional Japanese community is a vital mission for those of us born and raised here.

Much of Tatsuno's charm stems from the fact that it is not a commercialized tourist destination, but this also means that it lacks the convenience of better-known localities. Be that as it may, we organized the Tatsuno Art Project with the goal of conveying the community's charm fully to as many people as possible, and we are confident that the project succeeds in doing so.

The 2013 Tatsuno Art Project will take place over nine days from November 15 to 24, during which visitors from around Japan and around the globe will have the opportunity to experience art and cultural heritage in a unique fashion as the thrill of contemporary art combines synergistically with the allure of traditional architecture.

I am pleased to report that feedback from those who attended the 2011 and 2012 events was highly positive. The organizers are deeply grateful, and determined to make this year's Tatsuno Art Project the best ever. Thank you for your interest and support.

Asai Yoshiaki
Tatsuno Art Project

Date and Hours:
Fri., November 15 to Sun., November 24, 2013 (closed on Mon., November 18), 10:00-16:00

Exhibition passport:
Adults: ¥600, Students ¥300
The Tatsuno Art Project passport enables visitors to view the exhibition as often as they like throughout the event period.

Take the JR Kishin Line to Hontatsuno Station from JR Himeji Station (app. 20 min.). The main exhibition venue, the Usukuchi Tatsuno Soy Sauce Museum, is a 15-minute walk from the station.

Invited Artists:
SAWA Hiraki
Mirosław BAŁKA
YOON Heechang
KOTANI Shinsuke

Participating Artists:
KADOTA Hirosuke
SATO Fumika

Graduated students from École Supérieur d'Art et Design Le Havre/Rouen, France:
Jérémy ANDRÉ
Ophérie MAC

Postgraduate students from École Supérieur d'Art et Design Le Havre/Rouen, France:
Marc-Antoine GARNIER
Bonnie POTH

Special Guest (music)
YABUTA Shoichi

Unless otherwise noted, Tatsuno Art Project passport holders are free to participate in all events at no extra charge.

Workshop 1:
Workshop conducted by SATO Fumika. Sat., November 9, 2013, 10:00~11:30、13:30-15:00 , Tatsuno City Library. Participation fee: ¥200 (Japanese language only)
For reservations, please email: tatsunoart2013@gmail.com

Workshop 2:
Workshop conducted by SHIBATA Chika. Sun., November 10, 2013, 10:00~11:30、13:30~15:00, Old Soy Sauce Factory near the Usukuchi Tatsuno Soy Sauce Museum. Participation fee: ¥200 (Japanese language only)
For reservations, please email: tatsunoart2013@gmail.com

Open Studio:
Conducted by French and Japanese artists. Sun., November 10, 2013. Old Old Soy Sauce Factory near the Usukuchi Tatsuno Soy Sauce Museum. Entrance free, without reservation.

Guided Tour:
Conducted by KASUYA Akiko and select artists. Sat., November 16, 2013, 10:00-11:30, Usukuchi Tatsuno Soy Sauce Museum and and 13:30-15:00, Usukuchi Tatsuno Soy Sauce Museum annex. (Japanese language only)

Artists' Talk 1:
KOTANI Shinsuke, YAMAGUCHI Torhiro, KADOTA Hirosuke and Kasuya Akiko. Sun., November 17, 2013, 10:30~12:00, Higashimaru Culture Room. (Japanese language only)
For reservations, please email: tatsunoart2013@gmail.com

Artists' Talk 2:
MATSUI CHie, HIGASHIKAGE Tomohiro and Kasuya Akiko. Sun., November 17, 2013, 13:30-15:00, Higashimaru Culture Room. (Japanese language only)
For reservations, please email: tatsunoart2013@gmail.com

Night Tour:
Fri., November 22, 18:00~19:00, Old Soy Sauce Factory near the Usukuchi Tatsuno Soy Sauce Museum. (Japanese language only)
For reservations, please email: tatsunoart2013@gmail.com

Talk about architecture, art and city planning:
KISHINO Yuji, KASUYA Akiko and ASAI Yoshiaki. Sat., November 23, 13:30−15:00, Kadome Fureai-Kan 2F. (Japanese language only)
For reservations, please email: tatsunoart2013@gmail.com

Artists' Talk 3:
YOON Hechang, IMAMURA Ryosuke and KASUYA Akiko. Sun., November 24, 2013, 13:30-15:00, Tatsuno City Library 2F. (Japanese language only)
For reservations, please email: tatsunoart2013@gmail.com

Documentary Film: Matsutani 3:
Fri., Sat. and Sun. from November 15 to 24, 11:00~ 16:00~, Apollo Studio.